Tramps like us, baby we were born to....unsubscribe? Yes, Born to Run happened over 30 years ago and I was only 8 when it came out. I remember the music as it was my camp song at NJ Y Camps in PA and I still think of escape, long summer nights, the beach, and friends. What doesn't come to mind is politics.
Sure, a seasoned Springsteen fan may argue that some of his music has political undertones (Factory, Born in the USA, No Surrender, Devils and Dust), but the majority of his base of music was around those themes plus working class struggles. When Springsteen went on the Vote For Change Tour I turned my back, when he campaigned for John Kerry, I tuned him out, and finally when the Peter Seeger Sessions came out I did the unthinkable - I didn't buy a Springsteen CD. However, I still held out hope until today.
Yes. Today is the day that I've given up. That doesn't mean I won't buy older Tracks 5 or a new E-Street Band CD, but being that crazy Springsteen zealot is over. Today, Bruce jumped the shark when he used his email base to send out a political email (I'll post the image tomorrow). I signed up to receive Springsteen news and information not an email on which way I should vote or articles I should read. What makes a musician think they no more about politics than me? Here's the line on their website as to why you should sign-up for Springsteen email "Join Bruce Springsteen's mailing list to stay up-to-date on all the latest news, tour info, and more!" More shouldn't mean more political news.
This isn't a left/right issue. If you are into politics and follow the news, the last thing you need or want is an aging rock star pointing out some interesting articles you should read just in case you missed them. And, if you are not into politics perhaps you should talk with someone closer to you than a stranger on a CD for political news or viewpoints. I found the email insulting so I unsubscribed. Unsubscribing when you get an email like that is the only way to send a message to the sender - any email marketing novice knows to track unsubscribes.
I know you share my pain. It isn't right that because you wrote music that appealed to a wide range of political views and made millions that now you can try and use that base to influence people to vote the way you think people should. The only people that will actually click and read the links are people that would have voted your way anyway.
Well, at least we had a good run, but unfortunately I have to fade away. One of the great things about music is that I can listen to the glory days over and over again. And, with all of the high quality bootlegs I have, there is always a great Springsteen concert on in my house - from the 70s of course when he just cared about paying for food...
Right on BRO!!!! I hear what you are saying and I agree 100%, (which doesnt happen often). All be over later to listen to Springsteen from the 70's with you. Those where the good ole days.
Posted by: Eric's Sister | November 07, 2006 at 08:40 AM
Thanks Toni. Yes, they were indeed good old days. I guess I've been left behind...
Posted by: PardonMyFrench | November 07, 2006 at 11:25 AM