Yes. You know you hate those dancing ads from Do you know how I know you really can't stand them? By all of the traffic I receive daily from a post I made on them called Online Ads I Hate and Love way back in December. You know why I know you hate them? Because the reporting I use via MyBlogLog not only shows where my traffic came from, but if it was a result of search then the search term too. So I see search terms like:
- I hate
- LowerMyBills ads
- Online ads with dancing figures
- I hate LowerMyBills
- LowerMyBills annoying flash
- Awful LowerMyBills banner ads
- Worst ads LowerMyBills
The list goes on and on linking hate with LowerMyBills. Quite a nice online ad campaign you have going on there fellas. I sure hope you are monitoring conversion rates and not just clicks so you can defend the bad branding you are receiving from this campaign. The only, and I mean only way to defend this is to say you are getting great conversions into new accounts. Otherwise, stop these ads - they are really annoying. The people have spoken.
Amen. Amen. Amen. I was relieved to see that I'm not the only person who finds these ads more annoying than anything on the Internet, and that's saying a lot. Now, of course, LowerMyBills has come up with a new irritation: the moving fountain pen that writes "Calculate your new payment" on everything from rooftops to shaved heads. Who on earth is in charge of their ad campaign? And why is he/she still employed?
I want to start a campaign of my own where all sites that feature these abominations are boycotted. It's the only way to get through to them. Care to join me?
Posted by: Deb G | January 25, 2007 at 10:16 PM
Count me in Deb. I'll even help you with the boycott
Posted by: PardonMyFrench | January 25, 2007 at 10:46 PM
edit your hosts file to block the dancing idiots ad
Windows XP keeps the file in the C:\\Windows\\System32\\Drivers\\Etc folder.
The following line will stop the the dancing mortgage people and any other advertiser using the same broker:
just add that line below the last line in the file, youll never see their ad again
Posted by: Samhain | January 28, 2007 at 04:04 AM
Did you know that if you take off the first two letters of "lowermybills" you get "wermybills"? Or you could just do: "Lo! Wermy Bills!"
Posted by: DRH | February 13, 2007 at 09:18 PM
If you're looking for the classic LowerMyBills ads (circa 2006-2008), check out my archive of online ads. I've got over 75 LMB classics posted for reminiscing and ranting.
Posted by: adverlicious | June 26, 2009 at 12:22 AM
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