So I was checking on my favorite company to rip on Vomit..erg I mean Vonage and I stumbled across this brilliant flash ad execution from Scottrade (BTW - for those of you keeping score from home Vomit, uggh I did it again, Vonage closed at $2.40 today). Why was this ad so brilliant from Scottrade? Simple. It was a combination of using ticker targeting available from Yahoo! and then repopulating the banner ad with a recent chart plus Scottrade research. Freaking brilliant to add in the research (VG is below its 13 day moving average. This bearish sign is even more significant because the moving average is also trending lower).
Sure ticker targeting is like so 1990s, but you don't see a lot of Financial Services companies using them. We did at CSFBdirect circa 2001 and then Harrisdirect after that, but you don't see a lot of it. However, there is a lot more to love about this execution than just ticker targeting.
1) It is on THE MOST COVETED financial services page on the internet - The Yahoo Quotes results page
2) Scottrade already has a button which will do the heavy lifting for conversions but this unit will help build awareness about "being smart" about trading via Scottrade.
3) Combining real time research provides value via the banner ad and makes it smarter which ties in with their ad campaign
4) When I clicked on the ad and reached their landing page it carried through the same ticker symbol with the same research. It also seems that the click thru had a PointRoll redirect in it which must be the technology they are using for the ad.
Anyway, you can tell that I L-O-V-E this execution and it is similar to an idea of mine using ticker targeting with real-time research. Sadly the companies I presented it to didn't bite on the idea for whatever reason, probably because they don't advertise a lot online. The only negative I have with the execution is the boring (really boring and bare bones) landing page. Sure it carried the information through, but the page is too white.
All and all a nice execution on the most coveted as well as most competitive page on the internet. Way to go Scottrade.
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