We have relocated to our Jersey Shore Home. Yes I'm working from here (not posting as often) and was even in DC for meetings with the Pentagon Memorial Fund, John McCain 2008, and others but like everyone else on the east coast, I'm thinking about the beach, baseball, pools, and etc. You get the idea - it is SUMMER. What this time of year is not good for is advertising especially online.
I've been running online advertising since 1998 when I was with AT&T. You know when the worst months were for marketing AT&T service - July and August, not December. When I managed online advertising for the brokerage firm formerly known as Harrisdirect/CSFBdirect/ DLJdirect, it was even harder in the summer. The last things people talk about are stocks and bonds in the summer. Trading volume is much lower during the summer. So ANY online marketing plan I provide or campaign that I run has minimal volume in the summer; those that know me and work with me know that this is 100% accurate. That's why it should come as no surprise that the display ad campaigns that we are running, excluding Google, have been slowed down in the summer.
Summer months are good times to take a pause and evaluate. I wouldn't recommend shutting off advertising completely, but cutting back on the spend and analyzing your results is a perfect SUMMER activity. Another great SUMMER activity is to prepare for September and come out in a big way.
So there is no reason to get that excited about online ads not running in the summer, that's just smart advertising. Besides, running a banner ad on Drudge like Tancredo did is definitely ZERO cause for celebrating that they are running online advertising. Getting a link on Drudge is FANTASTIC earned media, using it for online advertising is not something I recommend.
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