You can tell when I'm so busy that I make next to no posts. I was up very late Tuesday night waiting for the Missouri and California results that it pretty much knocked me out until today.
Obviously John McCain took NJ, but what got me more excited was to see the Morris County results where we made a ton of calls and put up our fair share of road signs. Hopefully by sharing these numbers with you, you can see how important get out the vote activities are in your local area.
- 60,030 out of 96,916 registered Republicans voted Tuesday and that compares with 48,756 voters out of 41,280 registered Democrats.
- No, the Democrat number doesn't mean that people voted multiple times; that means that another 7,476 declared at the polls which is a pretty powerful statement
- John McCain received 55.2% of the vote which translated into 33K votes
- Obama received roughly 22K votes
What these numbers show is that yes you can make a difference. I didn't tally up the calls we made out of Long Valley, but I'd guess it to be around 2K calls to ask people to vote. Plus, we probably put up about 200 signs and I couldn't even guess how many people saw these signs. The calling was very easy and seriously we didn't receive more than a handful of rude answers or hang ups. Plus putting up the signs and making calls with other supporters is actually fun.
Please join up with a campaign, especially if it is John McCain's campaign. Don't sit back and assume people will vote for the right person. With Mitt Romney dropping out today you can bet a lot of his supporters are thinking what else could they have done. Put up signs, make donations, tell your friends, and join up with other volunteers to participate in GOTV calls. You won't regret it.
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