Yes, I did not buy the new iPhone. I do believe it is the coolest phone on the planet and for that price it is off the charts a great value. However, as I've written before the problem with the iPhone is the AT&T Wireless network especially in the areas where I use the phone the most.
Since my Dad died (thanks for the comments) I've had to carry around his cell phone. He also had a huge amount of monthly minutes with a ton of rollover minutes (more on that in a second). So I've been trying to use his phone using AT&T's voice network. You know what I found out? It sucks in the areas I make calls. Washington Township-Long Valley NJ, spotty coverage. Route 78? Stinks with plenty of dropped calls. Route 287? Almost as bad. County Route 517 - useless. Heck I could put up with all of that until my boss Becki called me from a train ride she was taking between NYC and DC and she couldn't talk for me for more than 1 minute without the call dropping or the quality degrading so badly it was totally useless. And, that was on her iPhone. So for where I make my calls AT&T's Wireless Voice network is substandard.
So I turned back to Verizon. After a ton of research I settle on the Verizon Wireless XV6800. It isn't an iPhone but I love it. It connects to WiFi networks and has a nice large screen. It comes with a ton of features and is Windows based so it feels familiar to me. It comes with Microsoft Office and syncs nicely with my Outlook. It has a slide out keyboard and the phone automatically rotates the screen which makes for easy web surfing. I bought a 2 GIG data card for plenty of music and video files. However, the best thing about it is that I get to stay on Verizon's Wireless Network where my CALLS GO THROUGH AND I CAN TALK WITHOUT DROPPING OFF (Can you hear me now AT&T?).
If you need a new wireless phone and you are in the areas that I frequent, the iPhone is sexy but the AT&T network is a hag. Go with a brand new Verizon phone like the XV6800. BTW - the rollover minutes was a plan idea that was very similar to one I cooked up while researching new wireless bundle plans for the old and better AT&T. I called it the EZPass plan and it was credit card based. We tested it in focus groups but it didn't really pop probably because we didn't cook up the name of rollover minutes which is brilliant.
I was about to buy a new wireless phone... Thanks for the info....
Posted by: Doy | August 08, 2008 at 02:10 AM