First before I give you my reasons, a little disclosure in case you somehow stumbled across my blog and found this post. I've been working for almost the past 3 years with the political advertising agency Connell Donatelli Inc. As part of CDI, I've been lucky enough to handle (with my co-workers) the online advertising for Senator McCain going as far back as his Straight Talk America PAC. So if you are looking for a more neutral blog post, this won't be it.
I'm voting for Senator McCain because of the following reasons in addition to the leadership and experience argument:
- He will end the War in Iraq with honor. Senator McCain personally knows the horror of war
- He has the right economic plan. We need to cut federal spending, keep the Bush tax cuts in place and lower the USA's corporate tax rate to stimulate growth
- He correctly ties our dependence on foreign oil with national security. He has a plan to reduce this dependency and increase nuclear, solar, wind, and yes even clean coal.
- As someone who is deeply dependent on health care, Senator McCain has the right plan by opening up choices and giving a tax credit. We as consumers would benefit more with choice. I've seen big corporations look to provide the cheapest benefits as possible, so I'm more interested in shopping around for myself.
- I don't believe a centralized group of elites can make better decisions that I can or my local community can.
- He is a defender of Israel
- Senator McCain has delivered change and will do what it right; he is a man that delivers results and has a proven record as a reformer.
If that isn't enough for you, here's why you should NOT vote for Obama
- I don't believe for one second that the tax cut that is currently be promoted by Senator Government will ever become law. I believe that if he were to get in as President things will change and that won't be enacted.
- If you still believe that tax cut will become law, but if you make $150K+ or more I would NEVER vote for Obama. You're in striking distance of having your taxes raises or not even seeing a tax cut.
- When Senator Obama described his tax plan as Wealth Distribution I believe that clearly shows his philosophy of taxes which I simply can't agree with.
- I don't believe a word Senator Government says. William Ayers is "just a guy in the neighborhood", is it a united Jerusalem or not (I saw him flip on that), we need to pull out of Iraq or will he listen to his generals, what's with his illegal alien Aunt (do you believe he didn't know), or changing his position on accepting campaign financing.
- I don't like his government mandated health care plan.
- I believe he will increase spending across the board
- I'm worried about Senator Obama's associations with ACORN as well as where his funding for his campaign is coming from.
This is a simple decision for me and it should be for you. If you are still confused visit this page and get the details. Senator McCain has a path to victory via the Electoral College so don't get discourage by the polls. OH, VA, NC, FL, and even PA and perhaps MN are still very viable for us.
Vote for Senator McCain. I will be.
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