I keep reading about how Obama's honeymoon is over or about how long until the press digs into President Obama. I say who cares about main stream media.
I think a smart person like Justin Germany (@justingermany) should create a video series in YouTube called "Obama's YouTube Problem" that compares Obama's campaign promises (words) with his current deeds (his actions). It will be an eyeopener and with enough material will be damaging to his administration and re-election efforts. Several examples are already available within the first 30 days..
First it started with the bad vetting process Team Obama did on several of the cabinet nominees (see Daschle and Richardson). Of course President Obama says that their vetting process is fine, but either it is broken or they are arrogant to think that tax cheats and former Governors under ethics investigations can pass a Senate confirmation. So much for bringing change to Washington.
Next up it was his campaign promise to keep lobbyists away from his administration. Of course they make exceptions when it is convenient, but that wasn't his campaign promise. He didn't promise to hire the least amount in the history of politics, he promised to keep them away. So like he did on taking matching campaign funds, he breaks his word.
Finally, this whole Obama Spending Plan is turning into an absolute nightmare for President Obama and unfortunately the rest of us. This is a pork infested plan that wastes billions of dollars on such crappy projects like:
- $1 billion for the 2010 Census, which has a projected cost overrun of $3 billion.
- $850 million for Amtrak.
- $6 billion to turn federal buildings into "green" buildings.
- $650 million for the digital television converter box coupon program.
Remember when we dragged the auto industry executives to grill them over billions in loans they wanted? Well now, President Obama says that we are wasting precious time on haggling over what amounts to 1% of the bill (really closer to 2% but what's a few billions). It wasn't good enough for Obama to have a supply-side versus demand-side economic argument (spending versus tax cuts) but he had to get in bed with the Liberals in the House who shut out Republicans ruining his bipartisan campaign promise.
In the Senate where the Liberals don't have a majority he starts to get nasty and irrational, threatening Republicans and using scare tactics. Today Obama basically said "The time for talk is over and the time for action is now" and then sent his surrogate Claire McCaskill to proclaim "If we do nothing we will lose millions of jobs".
President Obama has no idea what the economy will do and doesn't want debate on the bill. This is how we ended up with TARP which President Obama voted for without much debate because it was something we had to do and do quickly. So, diplomacy is good with the Iranians but a few days of diplomacy with Republicans members of the Senate is a waste?
It is time to fight back and that's just a start. Obama's Achilles heel is the Change promises he made that unfortunately for him, he needs to rely on the non-change agents currently sitting in Congress to deliver on them. There will not be the right Change in Washington and we might as well start building the proof now.
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