Every day I get a couple of new ads to my Twitter followers which I'm thankful for; I kind of wish I had more, but it is what it is. What I find increasingly annoying is the lack of information Twitter provides you in the notification email. All we really get to see is are who they are and what their follower profile is which is kind of useless. Why not grab the last 5 Tweets, the website URL, and the bio? Seems so easy to do. I get the thought process of driving traffic, but does Twitter really need the short, likely quickly abandoned click generated from this email?
Perhaps you think I'm being picky but for little cost and design impact, including that in the Twitter user experience would be more helpful. And, it will cut down on the spammers who are looking to drive traffic to the page while boosting the legitimate marketers who would be happy to get quality followers. Seems like a no-brainer to me - help the legitimate folks and marketers, increase usability, and cut down on the spammers.
P.S. I did follow the above Twitter account.
Try Twimailer for most of these features. It gives you someone's recent tweets as well as their follower / unfollower ratio.
It used to be a huge improvement over the normal Twitter email, and is still a slight one. However, I don't know how secure they are, or how reliable they are.
Posted by: Byrne | September 08, 2009 at 09:15 PM
Thanks Byrne I will give it a go...
Posted by: PardonMyFrench | September 08, 2009 at 10:15 PM