When I browse the internet, my browser of choice is Google Chrome. It used to be Firefox, but I couldn't stand the updates. My backup browser is Safari and in third place, a distant third, is Internet Explorer. In fact, the only time I ever used IE was to login into Microsoft's AdCenter and Atlas. AdCenter is for managing search campaigns on Bing and Atlas is a third party ad server I use to place ads on specific sites for media buys. You see Microsoft in their infinite wisdom really only allows IE as the acceptable browser. AdCenter I can get in with Safari and look around but eventually, I have to use IE.
That was until a week ago. Internet Explorer just stopped working. I have no clue why. So after uninstalling it, I tried installing IE 9 and after many times I gave up. I have no clue why it won't install and Microsoft's knowledgebase is only good for serious gear heads. I installed update after update and upgraded my DirectX and still nothing. I must have spent 4 hours and all I kept seeing was IE crapping out and the Blue Screen of install.
So I gave up. I used my old computer to login into AdCenter and Atlas and moved on.
I don't understand the logic of forcing advertisers to use a specific browser to manage ad campaigns.
I dont understand why it is so hard to install Internet Explorer.
I dont understand why the KB solutions are so hard to understand.
I dont understand all of the constant updates.
If I wanted something turnkey that I don't really understand how it works, maybe I should just get a MAC and call it a day. That's saying a lot for someone that used DOS and remembers Windows 1.0. Plus, back at AT&T I was voluteered to be a Microsoft sales connection for Office products.
Microsoft, you make it really hard to stay a customer. I think I'm done.
I dumped Windows for Linux 3 years ago. Best decision ever. Enfin libre et fini les installations merdiques.
Posted by: Regular user | August 10, 2011 at 11:07 PM